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Puente Nuevo de Ronda | The Puente Nuevo in Ronda spans the Rio Guadalevín and the El Tajo Gorge, it connects the old town of La Ciudad with the newer district of El Mercadillo. The imposing bridge is the main attraction of the city. It was built in the 18th century after an arch bridge that had been erected shortly before collapsed in the same place after only a few months.
At MIrador you are never alone at the blue hour in the evening, I had to photograph so many couples in front of the bridge that I almost never got around to taking pictures myself... - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comBaños Doña María de Padilla | I had already visited the Real Alcázar de Seville a few years ago, but this wonderful place had somehow escaped me during my visit at the time. Later I saw pictures of it and since then it has been clear: I absolutely have to go there again... - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comMuseo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Sevilla | Since I first visited Seville, I have loved this building and its reflection in the Estanque Central in the Plaza de América on the site of the Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929. Apparently nobody was at home in the attic of the left tower this time :-) - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comCalleja de las Flores | In the early morning you still have the Calleja de las Flores in Córdoba to yourself. And as an encore, the first rays of sun bathe the Torre Campanario in a wonderfully warm light. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.com