Warenkorb (0) angefangene Pakete im Warenkorb

Links to NZ

Destination New Zealand / Reiseziel Neuseeland:

Tourism New Zealand: www.newzealand.com/int/

101 Must-Do’s in NZ (AA Travel): www.aatravel.co.nz/101/

Department of Conservation: www.doc.govt.nz

Great Walks of New Zealand: www.greatwalks.co.nz

Lonely Planet New Zealand: www.lonelyplanet.com/new-zealand

Wikivoyage New Zealand: www.wikivoyage.org/wiki/New_Zealand


Especially recommended tour providers and accomodation / Besonders emfehlenswerte Anbieter:

Abel Tasman Tours & Guided Walks (Motueka / SI): www.abeltasmantours.co.nz

Eco Wanaka Adventures (Wanaka / SI): www.ecowanaka.co.nz

Hairy Feet Waitomo (Piopio / NI): www.hairyfeetwaitomo.co.nz

Milford Helicopters (Fiordland NP / SI): www.milfordhelicopters.com

Rapids Jet (Aratiatia, Taupo / NI): www.rapidsjet.com

There and Back Discovery Tours (Central Otago / SI): www.thereandback4wd.co.nz

Wellington Rover Tours (Wellington / NI): www.wellingtonrover.co.nz


Other recommended tour providers and accomodation / Weitere Anbieter:

Adrift Outdoor Guided Adventures (Tongariro NP / NI): adriftnz.co.nz

Dart River Safaris (Glenorchy / SI): www.dartriver.co.nz

Forgotten World Adventures (King Country / NI): www.forgottenworldadventures.co.nz

Hassle-free Tours (Christchurch / SI): www.hasslefreetours.co.nz

Heliworks Queenstown (Queenstown, SI): www.heliworks.nz

Hobbiton Movie Set Tours (Matamata / NI): www.hobbitontours.com

Luxmore Jet (Fiordland NP / SI): www.luxmorejet.com

Mangaweka Adventure Company (Rangitikei / NI): www.mangaweka.co.nz

Mokai Gravity Canyon (Rangitikei / NI): www.gravitycanyon.co.nz

Mt Potts Lodge (Ashburton / SI): www.mtpotts.co.nz

Nomad Safaris (Queenstown / SI): www.nomadsafaris.co.nz

OneRing Tours (Twizel / SI): www.lordoftheringstour.com

Real Journeys (Several places in SI): www.realjourneys.co.nz

Reid Helicopters Nelson (Tasman, Nelson / SI): www.helicoptersnelson.co.nz

Southern Discoveries (Several places in SI): www.southerndiscoveries.co.nz

Southern Lakes Helicopters (Fiordland NP / SI): www.southernlakeshelicopters.co.nz

The Helicopter Line (Several places in SI): www.helicopter.co.nz

Takaro Lodge (Fiordland / SI): www.takarolodge.com

Weta Cave Workshop Tour (Wellington / NI) www.wetaworkshop.com

Whale Watch Kaikoura (Kaikoura / SI): www.whalewatch.co.nz


Tolkien, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings in NZ / Mittelerde in Neuseeland:

A flight through Middle-earth: www.newzealand.com

Filming locations The Hobbit: www.newzealand.com

Filming locations Lord of the Rings: www.newzealand.com

Film NZ, The Hobbit: www.filmnz.com/production-showcase/the-hobbit-trilogy

New Zealand Home of Middle-earth: www.nzhomeofmiddleearth.com

Welly-moot, New Zealand's Tolkien Society: www.welly-moot.com

Weta Digital: www.wetafx.co.nz

Weta Workshop: www.wetaworkshop.com

Wilderness, Top three Hobbit hikes: www.wildernessmag.co.nz