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Zurich by night / Zürich bei Nacht - Switzerland | A nocturnal, pre-Christmas walk over the bridges of Zurich. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee | Sunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee | Sunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee | Sunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee | Sunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee | Sunrise at Lake Constance - Sonnenaufgang am Bodensee - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comReflection of the fall / Spiegelung des Herbstes - Gübsensee, Switzerland | The trees in their colorful autumn garb are reflected in the calm and smooth surface of the Gübsensee. A small lake in eastern Switzerland, a recreational area of ​​the city of St. Gallen. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comReflection of the fall / Spiegelung des Herbstes - Gübsensee, Switzerland | The trees in their colorful autumn garb are reflected in the calm and smooth surface of the Gübsensee. A small lake in eastern Switzerland, a recreational area of ​​the city of St. Gallen. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comGräppelensee - Switzerland | Just a short hike leads to the Gräppelensee in the Toggenburg in Switzerland. The Altmann is reflected in the calm water of the cold mountain lake - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSonnenaufgang - Sunrise | Early in the morning, at 6:30 a.m., dawn begins, followed by a beautiful sunrise. At this time the pond lies peacefully at the foot of the old town of Wil. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comLac de Moiry - Switzerland | The Lac de Moiry is a reservoir in the Swiss canton of Valais. On calm days (mostly in the morning) the surrounding alpine panorama is reflected in the completely calm lake.

The lake is embedded between the Garde de Bordon at 3310 m above sea level, the Corne de Sorebois (2896 m above sea level) and the Sasseneire (3254 m above sea level) in the Valais Alps at 2248 m above sea level. 

The dammed water is used to generate energy. The Moiry dam was completed in 1958. (Wikipedia) - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comLake Constance / Bodensee High-Key - Switzerland/Schweiz | On this foggy and cold January day at Lake Constance, only a few pale colors were visible. An invitation to convert the picture into black and white and turn it into a high-key picture.

An diesem nebligen und kalten Januartag am Bodensee, zeigten sich nur wenige blasse Farben. Ein Einladung also, das Bild in schwarzweiss umzuwandeln und ein high-key Bild daraus zu machen. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSteckborn - Switzerland | The Turmhof in Steckborn rises out of the cold water of Lake Constance on this cold and foggy January day. Nature hardly offered any colors, so an invitation to take a black and white picture.

Der Turmhof in Steckborn erhebt sich an diesem kalten und nebligen Januartag aus dem kalten Wasser des Bodensees. Die Natur bot kaum Farben, eine Einladung also, ein schwarzweiss Bild zu schiessen. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.com