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Chillon Castle / Schloss Chillon - Switzerland | Chillon Castle (French: Château de Chillon) is an island castle located on Lake Geneva (Lac Léman), south of Veytaux in the canton of Vaud. It is situated at the eastern end of the lake, on the narrow shore between Montreux and Villeneuve, which gives access to the Alpine valley of the Rhône. Chillon is amongst the most visited castles in Switzerland and Europe. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSteckborn - Switzerland | The Turmhof in Steckborn rises out of the cold water of Lake Constance on this cold and foggy January day. Nature hardly offered any colors, so an invitation to take a black and white picture.

Der Turmhof in Steckborn erhebt sich an diesem kalten und nebligen Januartag aus dem kalten Wasser des Bodensees. Die Natur bot kaum Farben, eine Einladung also, ein schwarzweiss Bild zu schiessen. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.com