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M31 M32 M110 - The Andromeda Galaxy | The Andromeda Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy and is the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way. It was originally named the Andromeda Nebula and is cataloged as Messier 31, M31, and NGC 224. Andromeda has a D25 isophotal diameter of about 152,000 light-years and is approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth.  - Realized with Pictrs.comSh2 132  - The Lion Nebula | Sh2-132, as designated in the Sharpless catalog, is a relatively faint emission nebula located approximately 10,000 lightyears distant in the constellation Cepheus the King. - Realized with Pictrs.comLDN 1355 - The Helping Hand | LDN 1355 is a dark nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia.  - Realized with Pictrs.comNGC 6995 - Bat Nebula | The Bat Nebula is an eastern portion of the Veil Nebula, a large supernova remnant that spans 6 degrees of sky in the constellation of Cygnus.  - Realized with Pictrs.comCTB1 Medulla Nebula | CTB1 in the constellation of Cassiopeia is a supernova with a distance of 9784 lightyears and a radius of 98 lightyears. It is approximately 10.000 years old. In its middle is a pulsar, that has been discovered in 2019. - Realized with Pictrs.comIC 443 - Jellyfish Nebula | IC 443, also known as the Jellyfish Nebula and Sharpless 248 Sh2-248, is a galactic supernova remnant in the constellation Gemini. On the plane of the sky, it is located near the star Eta Geminorum. Its distance is roughly 5,000 light years from Earth. - Realized with Pictrs.comIC 1848 - Soul Nebula | IC 1848 is an emission nebula is an emission nebula located 7500 light years away from Earth in constellation Cassiopeia. - Realized with Pictrs.comNGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula | NGC 7380 is located in the constellation Cepheus about 7,000 light-years from Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy. The star cluster is embedded in a nebula, sometimes called the Wizard Nebula, which spans some 110 light-years. - Realized with Pictrs.comWR 134 - Ring Nebula | WR 134 is a variable Wolf-Rayet star located around 6,000 light years away from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus, surrounded by a faint bubble nebula blown by the intense radiation and fast wind from the star. It is five times the radius of the sun, but due to a temperature over 63,000 K it is 400,000 times as luminous as the Sun. - Realized with Pictrs.comIC 1795 - Fishhead Nebula | IC 1795 is also called the Fishhead nebula. It is located in the Cassiopeia and detected in the 1890s by Edward Emerson Barnard. - Realized with Pictrs.comSh2 119 - Clamshell Nebula | Sharpless 119, is a large patch of emission in the constellation Cygnus and lies some 2200 light years away. It’s only 2-3 degrees away from the North American and Pelican Nebulae, so is often overlooked. The bright star is 68 Cygni, and is around magnitude 5 and is one of the stars responsible for ionizing the surrounding gas. Riddled throughout this complex are several brighter emission patches and dark nebulae with their own LBN and LDN designations. - Realized with Pictrs.comIC 59, IC 63 - The Ghost Of Cassiopeia Nebula | IC 63 is sometimes dubbed the Ghost Nebula, or the ghost of Cassiopeia. It was discovered by Max Wolf on the same night as IC 59 and has since been extensively studied. It spans an angular size of 10′ and is visible with a small telescope. - Realized with Pictrs.comIC 434 - Horsehead Nebula | The Horsehead Nebula is a small dark nebula in the constellation Orion. The nebula is located just to the south of Alnitak, the easternmost star of Orion's Belt, and is part of the much larger Orion molecular cloud complex. It appears within the southern region of the dense dust cloud known as Lynds 1630, along the edge of the much larger, active star-forming H II region called IC 434.The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 422 parsecs or 1,375 light-years from Earth. It is one of the most identifiable nebulae because of its resemblance to a horse's head. - Realized with Pictrs.comLDN 1235, PGC 67671 -  Dark Shark Nebula | LDN 1235 is about 650 light-years from Earth and is made of interstellar dust that blocks the light from stars behind it. - Realized with Pictrs.comSh2 216  | In terms of angular size Sh2-216 is the largest planetary nebulae in the sky, being about 3x wider than the moon as seen from earth, although it is too faint to be seen. It is about 500 000 years old, explaining why it is so very large and very dim. Sh2-216 is also the second closest planetary nebula at a distance of 400 light years. - Realized with Pictrs.comNGC 2359 - Thors Helmet | NGC 2359, also known as Thor's Helmet, is an emission nebula in the constellation Canis Major. The nebula is approximately 11.96 thousand light years away and 30 light-years in size. The central star is the Wolf-Rayet star WR7, an extremely hot star thought to be in a brief pre-supernova stage of evolution. It is similar in nature to the Bubble Nebula, but interactions with a nearby large molecular cloud are thought to have contributed to the more complex shape and curved bow-shock structure of Thor's Helmet. - Realized with Pictrs.comNGC 7000 - Cygnus Wall In The North America Nebula | The Cygnus All is a part of the North America Nebula, NGC 7000 or Caldwell 20, it is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, close to Deneb.  - Realized with Pictrs.comSh2 129 & OU 4 - The Flying Bat & The Squid Nebula | Sh2-129, the Flying Bat Nebula, and OU4, the Squid Nebula. Sh2-129 is a striking emission nebula in the constellation Cepheus, resembling a bat in flight. It's a stellar nursery, with young stars illuminating the surrounding gas and dust, creating its captivating appearance. OU4, known as the Squid Nebula, is a fascinating planetary nebula in Cepheus, resembling a squid or octopus. It's formed from the outer layers of a dying star, with its central white dwarf star illuminating the expelled material, making it a unique and captivating cosmic spectacle. - Realized with Pictrs.comSh2 126 - Great Lacerta Nebula | Sh2-126 is a large emission nebula in Lacerta, which appears in this image as a red background. The source of its ionisation is the intense ultraviolet radiation from the star 10 Lacertae, a blue main sequence star.This region, with its faint nebular filaments, is part of Lacerta OB1, a giant star-forming region about 1200 light-years from Earth. - Realized with Pictrs.comvdB 141 - Ghost Nebula | The Ghost Nebula (designated Sh2-136, VdB 141) is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Cepheus.It lies near the cluster NGC 7023. Looking at the adjacent image, the nebula's name is easily understood. The Ghost Nebula is referred to as a globule (catalogued CB230) and over 2 light-years across. There are several stars embedded, whose reflected light make the nebula appear a yellowish-brown colour. - Realized with Pictrs.comvdB 14 & vdB 15  | This pair of reflection nebulae is a small part of the much larger dust cloud in the constellation Giraffe. - Realized with Pictrs.comNGC 1333 | NGC 1333 is a reflection nebula located in the northern constellation Perseus, positioned next to the southern constellation border with Taurus and Aries. It was first discovered by German astronomer Eduard Schönfeld in 1855. - Realized with Pictrs.comSh2 224 - Rice Hat Nebula | Sh2-224, also referred to as the DouLi Hat or Rice Hat Nebula, is a very faint and intricate supernova remnant approxiamtey 14,700 light-years away located in the constellation of Auriga. - Realized with Pictrs.comNGC 6995 & 6960 - Veil Nebula | The Veil Nebula is a cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust in the constellation Cygnus.It constitutes the visible portions of the Cygnus Loop, a supernova remnant, many portions of which have acquired their own individual names and catalogue identifiers. The source supernova was a star 20 times more massive than the Sun which exploded between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago. - Realized with Pictrs.comIC 1805 - Heart Nebula | IC 1805 is a huge nebula located 7,500 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is full of Hydrogen Alpha and overall pretty faint at a magnitude of 18.3. - Realized with Pictrs.comM 42 & NGC 1973_5_7 - Orion Nebula & Running Man Nebula | The Orion Nebula, also known as M 42, is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way, being south of Orion's Belt in the constellation of Orion and is known as the middle "star" in the "sword" of Orion. It is one of the brightest nebulae and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky with an apparent magnitude of 4.0.Sh2 279, the Running Man nebula is an HII region and bright nebulae that includes a reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion. It is the northernmost part of the asterism known as Orion's Sword, lying 0.6° north of the Orion Nebula. The reflection nebula embedded in Sh 2-279 is popularly known as the Running Man Nebula  - Realized with


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