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Copyright by Foto-Binder 2014

Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Ferdinand Porsche.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner (AUT, Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner (AUT, Skoda R5 Evo)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Axel Lund Svindal (NOR).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Richard Lietz (AUT)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner  (AUT,Skoda R5)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner  (AUT,Skoda R5)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner  (AUT,Skoda R5)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Wolfgang Schmollngruber (AUT,Ford Proto)GP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Wolfgang Schmollngruber (AUT,Ford Proto).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Wolfgang Schmollngruber (AUT,Ford Proto)GP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows an overview of GP ICE RACE.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows an overview of GP Ice Race.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows an overview of GP Ice Race.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Fun Bike.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT, Skoda R5)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT, Skoda R5 Evo)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows VW Beetle.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Richard Lietz (AUT,Porsche).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Richard Lietz (AUT,Porsche).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Richard Lietz (AUT,Porsche).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows AUDI DTM.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Skidriver Axel Lund Svindal (Nor).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Axel Lund Svindal (NOR)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Alfa Romeo.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderMOTORSPORT MOTO 3 | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,201-02.FEN.2020 - MOTORSPORT.GP ICE RACE  Image shows Alfa Romeo
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Alfa Romeo.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Audi S1.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows VW Beetle Rallye Cross
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT, Audi S1)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT, Audi S1)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT, Audi S1)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Wolfgang Schmollngruber (AUT,Ford Proto)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Wolfgang Schmollngruber (AUT,Ford Proto)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP IC RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Wolfgang Schmollngruber (AUT,Ford Proto)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner (AUT,Skoda Fabia R5)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner (AUT,Skoda Fabia R5)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderMOTORSPORT MOTO 3 | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,201-02.FEN.2020 - MOTORSPORT.GP ICE RACE  Image shows 
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderMOTORSPORT MOTO 3 | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,201-02.FEN.2020 - MOTORSPORT.GP ICE RACE  Image shows 
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE  | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT, Audi S1)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT, Audi S1)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT,AUDI S1)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT,AUDI S1).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT,AUDI S1).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows a Buggy.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderMOTORSPORT MOTO 3 | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,201-02.FEN.2020 - MOTORSPORT.GP ICE RACE  Image shows 
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderMOTORSPORT MOTO 3 | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,201-02.FEN.2020 - MOTORSPORT.GP ICE RACE  Image shows Cathy Cummings (GBR, Bentley)
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Simon Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Skidriver  Matteo Fkeischmann with Cardriver Richard Lietz (AUT,Porsche).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows H.J.Stuck with his Mach F1.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows H.J.Stuck with his F1 on Ice.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows H.J.Stuck with his F1 on Ice.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows H.J.Stuck with his F1 on Ice.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows H.J.Stuck with his F1 on Ice.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows H.J.Stuck with his F1 on Ice.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows H.J.Stuck with his F1 on Ice.
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Skidriver Axel Lund Svindal (NOR).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Skidriver Axel Lund Svindal (NOR)..
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Skidriver Axel Lund Svindal (NOR)..
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Skidriver Axel Lund Svindal (NOR).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Skidriver Axel Lund Svindal (NOR).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Reinhold Sampl (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Reinhold Sampl (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Julian Wagner (AUT,Skoda R5).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manfred BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel BinderGP ICE RACE | ZELL AM SEE,AUSTRIA,01.- 02.FEB.20 - MOTORSPORT, GP ICE RACE, Image shows Marcel Hirscher (AUT).
Photo: Sportmediapics.com/ Manuel Binder
