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M13_101x120s_1200mm_f4_ASI071PROug_2021 05 29 Schmitten | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comKobold-Nebel_Zeta Ophiuchi bis Antares_49x300s_50mm_f3_2_EOS7Da_20190830_31 Tivoli_Namibia_comp_V4 | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comC2020F3(NEOWISE)_20200720_Schmitten_EOS60Da_135mm_f2_118x30s_ISO800_turn | C/2020F3 (NEOSWISE) in the early morning of July 21, 2020. After a clear sky finally appeared late last night, I went beyond my comfort zone and drove once again to the parking lot above our cemetery, with a open view to the west and north. 
The result is this picture with integrated 118x30s, same setting as the nights before. The image is rotated 90° clockwise for display reasons. Almost graphically exact are the tails. Otherwise the comet did not look visually so bright anymore, although one could indirectly guess the insane dimensions. Starting from approx. 1:30 o'clock isolated clouds arose and the horizon haze almost prevented the view of the then also low standing object. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comAdlernebel_M16_neighborhood_520mm_f4_ASI071MCPRO_ug_41x300s_20190825_Tivoli_Namibia | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comDreiecks-Galaxie_M33_1250mm_f5_ASI071PROug_30x300s_Schmitten 2020 01 21_comprV2 | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comDust and nebulosity in the Orion region | Dust and nebulosity in the Orion region 320x120s 135mm f2 EOS60da ISO800 Merendas do Campinho Alqueva unguided 20200218 21_starless_bright stars only - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comAuge Gottes_NGC7293_APStarfire_1040mm_f8_ASI071MCPRO_84x300s_ug_20190901_Tivoli_Namibia_V2 | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comCarinanebel_NGC 3372_13x300s_520mm_f4_EOS0Da_ISO400_Tivoli_20170722_verkl | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comGalaxie M106_1250mm_f5_ASI071PRO_ug_112x300s_Schmitten_2020 03 27_28_V3 | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comNordamerika-Nebel_NGC7000_800mm_f7_ASI071PRO_ug_168x300s_20190625_20190703_Schmitten | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comJunge Mondsichel_5250490b4 | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comC2020F3(NEOWISE)_20200721_0119MESZ_Schmitten_EOS60Da_135mm_f2_30s_ISO800 | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comRho Ophiuchi-Antares Region_56x60s_135mm_f2_ISO800_EOS60Da_unguided_Monodendri_Greece_2021 08 01_recombi | Just 56 minutes were all that was available as exposure time until the setting of the colourful Antares region. IC 4604 is a large diffuse nebula of 5th magnitude located in the southwestern corner of the constellation Ophiuchus, surrounding the bright triple star Rho Ophiuchi. Several regions of bright and dark nebulosity surround this area, which takes its name from ρ Oph. Highlighted by the bright star Antares, the region provides an impressive spectacle of colorful glowing gases, juxtaposed with converging dark rivers of thick dust. Other areas of nebulosity within the region include IC 4603, centered around the star SAO 184376; and IC 4605, around 22 Scorpii. The nebulosity around Antares itself (α Sco) is designated IC 4606. Dark nebulae Barnard 45 and Barnard 42 separate the reflection nebulosity near ρ Oph (IC 4603 and IC 4604) from the nebulosity closer to 22 Sco and Antares (IC 4605 and IC 4606). Barnard 44 lies to the east.

At a distance of some 540 light-years, IC 4604 is one of the nearest star-forming regions to the Sun. The colorful clouds surrounding Rho Ophiuchi represent the visible counterpart of a much larger but invisible molecular cloud permeating the region. This Ophiuchus cloud lies well above the plane of the galaxy, near the border of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association. About 1.5 million years ago, a massive star in upper Scorpius exploded as a supernova, sending a powerful shock wave through the Ophiuchus cloud about 1 million years ago, triggering star formation that is still continuing today. Source: Sky Safari. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comNGC7000_193x60s_135mm_f2_ISO800_EOS60Da_unguided_Psarades_Greece_2021 08 07 | The North America Nebula, NGC 7000, is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, close to Deneb (its brightest star). It measures 3 degrees north to south and 2.3 degrees east to west, and covers an area more than four times the size of the full moon. To the north the nebula fades imperceptibly into a brilliant Milky Way background glow. With a filter, the "North America" shape of NGC 7000 is vaguely visible. The nebula is brightest in the narrow portion corresponding to Mexico. The dark notch that forms the Gulf of Mexico is obvious. The North America Nebula and the nearby Pelican Nebula, (IC 5070) are in fact parts of the same interstellar cloud of ionized hydrogen. Between the Earth and the nebula complex lies a band of interstellar dust that absorbs the light of the stars and nebulae behind it, and is thereby responsible for the shape as we see it. The distance to the nebula complex is not precisely known, nor is the star responsible for ionizing the hydrogen so that it emits light. If the star inducing the ionization is Deneb, as some sources say, the nebula complex would be about 1800 light years distant, and its absolute size would be about 100 light years. Source: Sky Safari - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSection of the central dust band of the Milky Way from M16 to M8_221x60s_135mm_f2_ISO800_EOS60Da_unguided_Monodentri_Psarades_Greece_2021 07 31_08 07 | taunuslights - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comIC1396_401x60s_135mm_f2_ISO800_ EOS60Da unguided_Abruzzo_Italy_2021_07_10-12_recombi_V2 | IC 1396 is an open star cluster in Cepheus associated with an extremely large region of faint nebulosity. Lying south of the Herschel's blood-red Garnet Star (Mu Cephei), this cluster is extremely large (170' across), very bright (magnitude 3.5), loose, irregular, and awash with a faint nebulous background mixed with dark lanes. At its center is the bright triple Struve 2816, which has a bright white primary and two blue companions (Source: Sky Safari). The data for this image, with a total exposure time of a good 6 1/2 hours, was obtained at various locations around the Italian provincial capital of L'Aqulia.  - Realisiert mit Pictrs.com
