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Partecipation at international competitions 2009 Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photografer of the year, 43.000 picutures from 92 countries - with the Image "Budda squirrel" I reached the stage semifinalist. 2011 Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photog…
Partecipation at international competitions
2009 Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photografer of the year, 43.000 picutures from 92 countries - with the Image "Budda squirrel" I reached the stage semifinalist.
2011 Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photografer of the Year 2011 - with the Image "Winking squirrel" I reached the stage semifinalist.
2011 Competition European Wildlife Photografer of the Year 2011 - almost 1000 photografers from 39 countries entered almost 14.000 pictures - with the photo " "Squirrel Attack" I reached the final, with the photo "Buddha squirrel" I reached the quarter-finals and with the photo "Swan lake" the semi-final.
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